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crf 250l

CRF250L MSRP – A Versatile Motorcycle for Freeway and Off-road Riding


The Honda CRF250L – A Two-year Ownership Experience

The Honda CRF250L is a 250L motorcycle that has been in the owner’s possession for almost two years. With a total of 2591 miles, it is safe to say that the bike hasn’t been ridden extensively. However, despite its limited use, the owner has expressed concerns about its performance on the freeway and its squirminess on the road.

One of the biggest complaints about the CRF250L is its lack of fuel mileage, which makes it less than ideal for regular commuting. While the bike offers versatility for both off-road and freeway riding, its performance on the road leaves something to be desired. The owner questions the decision to purchase a commuter motorcycle while intending to use it for dirt biking.

Improving Performance – Suspension and Traction

The owner acknowledges that there are ways to improve the CRF250L’s performance, such as adding pork inserts or upgrading the springs to enhance the bike’s suspension. However, they are not keen on investing more money into the bike, especially considering the limited benefits they have experienced so far.

Additionally, the lack of traction on the road has been another issue for the owner. Riding a motorcycle that doesn’t inspire confidence on the road can be a significant drawback for those who prioritize freeway riding.

The Honda 250L vs. the CRF250L

The Honda 250L, a popular motorcycle with around 2600 miles on it, is a decent option for off-road adventures. However, it falls short in comparison to the CRF250L when it comes to engine performance. The CRF250L offers a faster and more reliable engine, making it a more suitable choice for those seeking a thrilling ride.

Looking at the newer version, the 300L, it may not match the speed of the 250L, but it still doesn’t surpass the capabilities of the CRF250L. Therefore, if you already own the 250L, there is no urgent need to sell it and upgrade to the 300L. However, if you are specifically interested in a Honda bike with a small CC for street riding, the 300L is a better option, though not necessarily upgrade-worthy.

Reliability and Upgrades

Honda motorcycles are known for their reliability and solid equipment. While the 250L may not be as popular as some other models, it still serves as a good commuter bike with the ability to handle light trails. If you already own the 250L and are satisfied with its performance, there is no immediate need to consider selling it.

However, if you are seeking upgrades for your 250L, Honda offers great options such as the Handlebar, wood tie, and TSD offender Eliminator with integrated turn signals. These upgrades can enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your bike.

Considering an Adventure Bike

If you are interested in an adventure bike that can serve as a good commuter while also handling some off-road terrain, it is worth exploring the available options. The Honda CRF250L provides versatility, but there might be other adventure bikes in the market that better suit your needs.

If you have any specific preferences or requirements for an adventure bike, please let us know, and we can help you identify the best option.


In conclusion, the Honda CRF250L is a versatile motorcycle that can cater to both freeway and off-road riding. While it has some positive aspects, such as the potential for improved suspension and traction control, it falls short in terms of fuel mileage for regular commuting. The decision to purchase a commuter motorcycle with the intention of using it for dirt biking may not be ideal.

If you already own the Honda 250L, there is no immediate need to sell it for the 300L unless you specifically prioritize a small CC Honda bike for street riding. Honda’s reputation for reliability and quality equipment remains intact, and if you decide to stick with your 250L, consider the available upgrades to enhance your riding experience. If you are considering an adventure bike, we are here to assist you in finding the best option to suit your needs.

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